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First Things First: All Are Welcome

At Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church, our hope is that you will be able to experience such a space that you can let go of all that would keep you from being fully present in the moment, so that you may experience a truly holy and inviting time of worship.

We also know that coming to church can sometimes be an overwhelming experience. What do I do when I get there? Where do I park? What should I wear? Will I be expected to speak? We have all faced these questions, at some point, when we experience worship at a new church.  To help you plan, we have prepared some “Frequently Asked Questions” for your comfort and convenience.

We gather every Sunday from 11a to 12p


Our on-site Sunday morning experience takes place at 10123 Connecticut Avenue in Kensington, MD. You’ll find yourself warmly welcomed from beginning to end!

You can click the link below or just keep scrolling for all info you’ll need to feel at home.

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You can join in Warner Memorial’s worship services online using Zoom.

You can access our online service by clicking the button below:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Warner Memorial?

We are located at 10123 Connecticut Avenue in Kensington, MD.

What time does worship start and how long does it last?

Worship begins at 11:00 on Sunday mornings, and typically the service lasts about an hour. If we go over an hour, and you need to leave, you are welcome to do so without question or judgment.

Where do I park?

Parking at Warner can be a bit tricky. If you are fortunate enough to grab a spot along Washington St. or Calvert Pl., please do so! On Sundays we are also able to park on Connecticut Ave alongside the church. Warner Memorial also has a parking lot directly across from the church, on the southbound side of Connecticut Avenue accessible from Prospect St. Once you park, be sure to use the light at the crosswalk on the corner to cross over, as Connecticut Avenue can be quite busy. Should you need help walking or have concerns, please contact the office in advance and we can arrange to have someone assist you on the morning of worship.

What am I supposed to wear?

We are of the opinion that God doesn’t care what you wear to worship, so why should we? You will find that some congregants dress very casually, others dress up. Some might even be representing their sports favorite team-depending on the time of year! Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should wear.

Is the church handicap accessible?

Yes. We have ramps that lead to the sanctuary, and our seating allows wheelchairs as well as for differently abled bodies to navigate the space as need. We also have handicap accessible bathrooms, and an elevator should it be needed. If there are other need you may require that will make your worship experience more accessible, please reach out to the office before your visit so we can better accommodate you.

How "affirming" are you really?

Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church believes that all created in the image of and beloved by God. We are a Covenant Network congregation and believe in the full participation and affirmation of LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church.

We are doing our best to offer a brave space for everyone to be fully themselves. We are have a gender neutral family restroom that accommodates people of all genders, sizes and abilities (fully handicap accessible), as well as a changing table for young ones. We still have room to grow and learn, so if there are ways you think we can continue to offer a more affirming space please reach out to Rev. JC for further conversation.

Are children welcome in worship?

ABSOLUTELY! We have a designated spot at the front of our sanctuary–our PrayGround–for our families with young ones. It’s equipped with a fun carpet, tables, books, quiet toys, and there is plenty of space for your kids to get their wiggles out during worship. They are very welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the entire service. And, if at any point a change of pace is needed, children are welcome to spend time with Ms. Shervonne, our Sunday School teacher. We encourage you to do what is best for your family!

Do I have to stand up and speak? What about kneeling?

Only if you want to! At Warner we invite the congregation “to rise in body or in spirit” for different parts of worship, but only as you are able or willing. You will never be singled out or put on the spot. As far as kneeling, it is not generally a part of our worship practice, but if it is part of your worship expression then you are free to kneel!

Can I receive communion?

Communion is generally received the first Sunday of every month. You do not need to be a member of Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church to take communion. We all partake of one loaf and one cup–though we do have gluten-free bread and grape juice available. We invite all who trust in Jesus Christ to come delight in the joyful feast.

Do you take up a collection? Am I expected to give and how much?

During worship there are baskets on the side tables available for you to place your offering. If you do not have offering or are not able to give at the time of your visit, that is okay! If you would like to give online visit our giving page for further instructions. Additionally, all contributions to the church are considered charitable contributions, and yearly statements will be provided for tax purposes.

Members are encouraged to make an annual pledge so that the church can build its annual budget. If you are not a member, and have not made a pledge, your offering is considered a free will gift – a time to give back to God a small portion of what God has given to you. You are the sole judge of how much and how frequently to give.

Have a question we didn't answer?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].