Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church has served the greater community in a variety of ways over its 150 year history. It is our call in the world to love our neighbors and we do so in a way that brings joy and life to the congregation as a whole. There are myriad ways to get involved at Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church, and we are always discerning where God is calling us to go next.
Ministry & Mission
Areas of Focus

Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community
Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church is part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians and is dedicated to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals in the life and ministry of the church. We continue to show our support and commitment in myriad ways around Montgomery County, Maryland and the DMV.

Shepherd’s Table
Located in Silver Spring, MD, Shepherd’s Table serves some of Montgomery County’s most vulnerable population. Started in the early 1980s by fifteen area religious communities committed to addressing hunger and homelessness, it has blossomed into a multi-faceted center of support for people experiencing some of life’s most pressing challenges. Warner supports Shepherd’s Table financially and through the fruits and vegetables grown in our Shepherd’s Garden just outside our sanctuary doors.

Mid-County United Ministries (MUM)
As one of the founding congregations, Warner has long supported the work of MUM to alleviate hunger in Montgomery County. They also provide necessary medicine, support for eviction prevention and utilities, and more, to help people get back on their feet after crises. Warner regularly provide financial support and in-kind donations to their mobile food pantry and clothing closet.

Rainbow Place Women’s Shelter
Since its inception in the mid 1980’s as a ministry of Rockville Presbyterian Church, Warner has supported one of the few women’s shelters in Montgomery County. Rainbow Place serves as an emergency overnight women’s shelter through hypothermia season and supports women as they transition to more stable housing. Warner regularly gives to Rainbow Place through volunteer hours, meal delivery, in-kind donations, bed sponsorship and financial support.

Jed and Jenny Koball, PCUSA Mission Co-Workers in Peru
Jed Koball assists the Peru Joining Hands Network. Joining Hands is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that addresses root causes of hunger in partnership with networks of churches and non-governmental organizations in countries with high poverty rates. Jenny Koball is the Peru site coordinator for the Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer program, which sends people ages 19 to 30 to serve in communities of need in the United States and abroad. Together, they host PC(USA) church groups to educate them about the issues being addressed by Joining Hands as well as to involve them through hands-on service in the local efforts of the NGOs and churches of the network.